I Want To Wear Mens Spandex All The Time


I know there are guys out there that aren’t aware of what it feels like to wear mens spandex and I feel really bad for them. I have been wearing these items for a very long time now and I can honestly say that there is no other type of material out there that feels like spandex. If there were something else out there that felt like spandex then I would probably be trying to wear that as well. The only real issue I have with spandex in general is the fact that I can’t wear it all the time because of where I work.

If I worked in a place where I could wear nothing but mens spandex all the time then I would certainly go there instead of the office I currently work in. Unfortunately I can’t seem to think of any type of job where that would be possible. But if I ever do find a job that would allow me to do that I would certainly put in my notice here and head on out the door. Maybe I should start looking a little bit harder for something in the spandex design field to see if that might help me.

I could always be a mens spandex model for all the sites online that sell these wonderful items. I have a pretty decent body if I may say so myself and I am sure that I could do whatever needed to be done in order to make a success out of it. Or I could just figure out something I could do from home in order to wear whatever I want to at any time of the day. Even though I don’t get to wear my spandex all the time I still get to enjoy the moments when I can wear it. In fact just thinking about the spandex that I will be wearing at the end of the day makes going to work bearable for the most part.