Life Changing Mens Spandex


Whenever I am wearing mens spandex, I sit and try to imagine my life without them. I think back upon the days before I found these wondrous items and how boring everything seemed. I hardly ever went out and, when I did, it was usually because I absolutely had to. I never went to parties or anything, mainly because I was never actually invited to them. But even the parties that I did get invited to, I simply didn’t want to deal with all the people that were going to be there. I wasn’t necessarily depressed though rather I was completely content with the way that my life was going at the time.

I often sit and laugh at myself when I start thinking back like that. I may have been content with my life before mens spandex, but I certainly wasn’t happy with anything about it. Now I am constantly on the go and hanging out with friends that I never had in the past. I am always going to parties and having as much fun as I possibly can. To think that wearing spandex in whatever form has given me a completely different outlook on my life may sound crazy, but it is definitely the truth.


My love for mens spandex has pushed my life with momentum that I never thought about having. It started out rather slowly but, over the years, it has gained speed to the point where I am like a typical social butterfly fluttering from one thing to the next without pausing. A lot has changed in my life over the last few years, but one thing that I will make sure never to change is the wearing of spandex whenever I can. I don’t want my lie to go back to the way it used to be, and I feel that is exactly where it will end up if I let spandex go.