Adjusting to Public Opinion of Mens Spandex


Every time I start wearing mens spandex, I get the feeling that people are watching every move I make. I don’t mind people taking a look at what I am wearing although sometimes it gets a little annoying. I know that I am on display so to speak, but it’s not like things are going to start popping out of my spandex any time soon. However, there are times when that is exactly what I would hope would happen so that they would have something to stare at. At least then I could understand why these people stare at me the way that they do.

I guess if I was wearing mens spandex that hid a little bit more of my body, they might not stare at me quite as much. I just don’t see why I should change the things that I wear simply because other people don’t understand me. All they have to do is come up to me and start talking. I will answer just about any question that they might have in regards to what I am wearing. In fact, I would love to discuss my spandex items rather than have people blatantly watching me like I am a leper. It is much more fun to introduce people to the many wonders of spandex than have them point at me and laugh.

Of course, if they did stop staring at me, I would probably feel upset because no one was paying any attention to the new mens spandex items I was wearing. I guess life is a bit silly when you think about things that way. I get annoyed by all these people staring at me like I’m on display yet, if they weren’t, I would be even more annoyed. Maybe I should do something radical and wear some of my erotic sex wear spandex out in public. It would be fun to see how many people stare at me then. If they could see what I was hiding under my spandex, they might notice it, but not stare the way that they do.

Life Changing Mens Spandex


Whenever I am wearing mens spandex, I sit and try to imagine my life without them. I think back upon the days before I found these wondrous items and how boring everything seemed. I hardly ever went out and, when I did, it was usually because I absolutely had to. I never went to parties or anything, mainly because I was never actually invited to them. But even the parties that I did get invited to, I simply didn’t want to deal with all the people that were going to be there. I wasn’t necessarily depressed though rather I was completely content with the way that my life was going at the time.

I often sit and laugh at myself when I start thinking back like that. I may have been content with my life before mens spandex, but I certainly wasn’t happy with anything about it. Now I am constantly on the go and hanging out with friends that I never had in the past. I am always going to parties and having as much fun as I possibly can. To think that wearing spandex in whatever form has given me a completely different outlook on my life may sound crazy, but it is definitely the truth.


My love for mens spandex has pushed my life with momentum that I never thought about having. It started out rather slowly but, over the years, it has gained speed to the point where I am like a typical social butterfly fluttering from one thing to the next without pausing. A lot has changed in my life over the last few years, but one thing that I will make sure never to change is the wearing of spandex whenever I can. I don’t want my lie to go back to the way it used to be, and I feel that is exactly where it will end up if I let spandex go.

Erotic Mens Spandex


I have worn a lot of mens spandex items over the last few years, but not one of them has given me the comfort that the erotic options have. I tried my best to stay away from erotic spandex as I didn’t want people to think I was some kind of freak, but you can only hold off for so long. After a few years of wearing all those different spandex designs, I had to try out something a bit different just to see what it would be like. That is when I turned towards the more erotic options and thought I might give them a try.

Erotic mens spandex was always something that I was curious about, but I knew that if anyone found out that I was wearing them they would have something to say about it. Then, I had a moment where I didn’t really care if anyone found out about them. I wanted to try them out to see what it would feel like and if someone had issues with that, then it would be their problem, not mine. I am very happy that I decided to go for these designs as they are even more comfortable than what I was wearing initially.


I do suggest that you get used to the more common mens spandex designs before you jump into the erotic options, though. I probably wouldn’t have liked them as much if I hadn’t been wearing regular spandex designs before this. In fact, I might have been completely turned off by spandex altogether if I had tried any of these designs first. But now I can comfortably wear my spandex without any issues and I enjoy every second that I do. I just have to figure out what designs I am going to turn to if I start to get bored with these erotic ones now.


Delighting in Mens Spandex


Of all the various types of fabrics that you can choose from to form a strong affinity with; mens spandex is right up there among the most popular. There are many reasons for this but the main one is most likely the way it feels against the bare skin. Many men compare it to having a second skin because they simply cannot feel it after a while. The sensation is one of sheer delight and comfort, making it a material that men start to crave after only minimal exposure to it. Seriously, it is akin to something like crack for the skin. Many times it only takes one hit of spandex turn guys into addicts for the fabric.


Sorry no models today just me in a spandex fem suit

New styles 2013 008

The popularity of mens spandex began many years ago. Most likely, it started with those much loved bicycle shorts. Avid cyclists purchased these shorts in droves because they needed something to wear while riding their bicycles that would stretch comfortably and breathe easily. Spandex met these needs. Eventually, these cyclists started wearing those spandex shorts for other reasons than to just ride their bicycles. They wore them around the house while relaxing as well as to workout in when they went to the gym. The more often they wore them the more these men realized just how invaluable this fabric was. It wasn’t long before they were wearing such things as bikinis, full workout suits, thongs, and Gstrings that were made from spandex.

Now, these days, mens spandex is being enjoyed by guys all over the world in all sorts of environments. Business men had spandex underwear beneath their works suits and conduct business meetings in them without anyone’s knowledge. Then there are the spandex swimsuits that come in all styles and colors. That swimwear has taken the entire male world by storm and still seems to be running at the top of the popularity list. If you have not had the pleasure of indulging yourself in this amazing fabric, do not waste another moment.

Gaining Popularity of Mens Spandex


It doesn’t take much to wear mens spandex items these days. I noticed that a few years ago there weren’t that many guys wearing different styles of swimwear in public, but now they are everywhere. Most of the designs that I have seen in the last few months have been made out of spandex, too, which I am very pleased to see happening. I don’t think it will be too much longer before spandex is the only type of swimwear that people will be seeing on the beaches and in the parks around the world.

I always thought that mens spandex swimwear was just going to end up being another fad. Something that would eventually die out and be replaced by something even more exotic than spandex. However, it seems to have grabbed hold somehow and almost every guy I see walking down the beach is wearing something that is made from this wonderful material. I can’t wait to see what new styles start coming out in the near future. I think the world is going to be in for a big surprise before too long. Let’s hope that it doesn’t take too long before every man in the world is wearing something comfortable and sexy in public.

Even after I started noticing more guys wearing mens spandex items on the beach; it took me a while before deciding to join in. I always felt like I was on display in ways that I wouldn’t want to be seen while wearing some of these designs. Now, though, it feels completely normal to me. I guess once you get used to wearing things like this; it doesn’t matter what other people might think about it. I hope that most of the people that see me like what I am wearing but, if they don’t, then that is their problem.

y Mens Spandex for a New Experience


Depending on what sort of social circles you travel in, you may or may not have heard of mens spandex. If you are not familiar with this amazing fabric, then it is high time that you get to know it. Spandex is the basis for all sorts of fetishes, but it is also the material that lets you feel something that you have never known in the past. Slipping into an item crafted from spandex can give you the sensation of wearing nothing at all. Imagine how it would feel to go about your daily routine while feeling as if you were not even wearing underwear. That is exactly what can happen for you when choose to wear spandex under things.

First of all, you can get mens spandex in various styles and designs. The aforementioned spandex underwear is quite popular with fans of this miraculous material. Then, there are spandex swimsuits that are also much sought after by men who frequent the beach as well as resort swimming pools. You cannot forget those wonderful bicycle shorts, either. They are a part of the spandex workout clothing line. These offer shorts, slacks, t-shirts, and anything else that you might want or need in spandex to enjoy your time working out. This material breathes along with you and helps you to love it even more.


Most guys that have given men’s spandex a try have stayed with it and it has become regular part of their lives. There are even those men that want to share their newfound knowledge and love of spandex garments. These men do all they can to discreetly introduce their friends to spandex. One of the ways they do this is by hosting spandex parties for men. All of the open minded men that they know are invited and encouraged to wear something made from spandex. There are quite a few men that discovered spandex in this way and have never looked back to normal underwear and swimsuits again. If you have always wanted to make your life more exciting, spandex just might be the way to go.

A Fondness for Mens Spandex


Something that is a rather open secret these days is just how much many guys love mens spandex and all items created from it. Lots of communities harbor groups known as spandex men and it is love of spandex that has brought all of those guys together. They do such things like have parties where all the guys come dressed in some sort of spandex items. Sometimes these are just swimsuits of various styles and other times, men arrive in full body spandex suits. It just depends on what sort of party it is and what dress requirements are dictated. No matter what, these guys attending the parties of this nature always have a blast.

Another way of showing a fondness for mens spandex is by simply wearing it all the time where it is underneath street clothes in the form of underwear or while relaxing around the house wearing nothing except a pair of spandex bikinis or shorts. No one even has to know that these guys are wearing spandex but most of them prefer not to keep it a big secret. They want to share it with others so that they can, possibly, recruit some new members to the spandex man sector.  That’s the thing about this fabulous fabric; once you have slipped it next to your body, you will be sold on it, too. Very few men have ever worn spandex and not immediately fallen in love with it.


Wearing mens spandex is an extremely special experience and should not be missed. This is true whether you decide to become a card carrying member of a spandex mens club or not. All men should enjoy at least one of those moments when they slide on those spandex shorts, bikinis, or underwear. For the majority of these men, it turns into a lifetime of joy. The others at least had the chance to see what they were missing in life.

Pay Attention to Your Men’s Spandex Design


There are a lot of different mens spandex designs available these days and you really have to pay attention to what you are getting involved in because of that. I love wearing spandex as often as I can, but there are times when I accidently buy something that I truly wasn’t ready to wear. There was this one time that I found a nice little number that I was very excited about wearing. I just knew that it was going to be one of the best spandex designs I had ever had the chance to wear. Unfortunately I didn’t pay attention to what I was actually buying.

Now I don’t want to be that guy that says erotic men’s spandex swimwear shouldn’t be worn. I think they are fantastic examples of what guys can look forward to I the world of swimsuits. But I wasn’t quite ready for the spandex design that had the built in cock ring and anal hook attachment. I guess I should have paid a bit more attention to the description instead of seeing the design and falling in love instantly. This was one of those lessons that I definitely learned from since you can’t attach the spandex without the anal hook being attached to it and plugged in, if you catch my meaning.


Other than that little issue, the men’s spandex design itself was absolutely amazing. The feel of the material was perfect to the touch and I only wish that I could have tried the thing on. Of course I don’t have the attachment that was needed to wear it, but it did look comfortable to an extent. I have even thought about getting into anal play just to see what wearing something like this would be like, although I think that might be a step that I am not quite prepared to take just now. On the other hand, maybe practice will make perfect.

Understanding Mens Spandex


A lot of mens spandex items have been created by people that have no idea what spandex is used for. I have seen numerous designs in stores that were created by big companies in the hopes that they could make some money off guys wearing their items. They don’t understand that spandex has to be form fitted to the body and that means every design is going to fit differently. They just mass produce the dreaded one size fits all item and hope that it sells enough to make them profit off of it.

The sites online that specialize in mens spandex know that you have to have functional items that are not mass produced. These items have to be created by hand, separately, and then be sold to the guys that want that particular design. They get the reason behind wanting to wear these items, and they work really hard to make sure that each and every design they create is perfect. That is why I love buying from sites that specialize in spandex. They get me and the reasons that I love spandex so much and they will do whatever it takes to make sure I am happy with their items.

For the first time mens spandex swimwear buyers all over the world; I would suggest looking online and not buying anything that would be considered erotic or extreme. If it shows off more skin than what you would be comfortable showing to your own grandmother, then it probably isn’t something that you should be wearing out in public in the first place. Think about that every time you buy something online that is made out of spandex and it will help you in making the right decisions. Of course if you are looking for sex wear that is made from spandex, then it doesn’t really matter since the public won’t be seeing you in them.

Mens Spandex for the Masses


Why is it that so many people believe that mens spandex should only be worn by those men with perfect bodies? Anyone who knows what spandex is knows that it can stretch to accommodate all body types whether they be tiny or huge. That is one of the many beautiful aspects of spandex. Absolutely anyone can wear it if they want. It is truly a fabric for the masses! Just because your body may be less than impressive does not mean that you cannot just thumb your noses at those people who would make fun of you while you stroll by them wearing your latest spandex acquisition.


It may sound a bit inconsiderate to say that all men should be able to wear mens spandex, even in public, whether they are well-toned or grossly obese. On the other hand, to say that only the best looking and sexiest men should be allowed to wear spandex where others can see them is sort of like messing with their free will. Surely, these men have mirrors in their homes and are able to see exactly what they look like in their spandex before they head out the door. If they can handle being seen looking the way they do, then others should be able to adjust to having that vision right in front of them.

Of course, if the visual is simply too much to deal with, the people treated to this horror can always choose to look away before they go blind. The point is that mens spandex was meant to be enjoyed by all men no matter what size or body type they might be. That is one of the reasons that spandex is so very popular. It can mold to your body in spite of everything. Then you can go out in public wearing your spandex proudly even though you may not be in the best of shape physically. Naturally, you do have the option of changing your body if you don’t like the way it looks in spandex, but no one is required to do so.