The Desire for Mens Spandex


Mens spandex is in demand by a very large portion of the male population all over the world. To these men, nothing quite matches the sensation of this fabulous fabric sliding sensuously against their bare bodies. It is used to create styles of all sorts that men love to live in no matter where they are or where they want to go. Spandex is used to make such clothing items as swimsuits, workout clothes, and even some types of erotic underwear. There are even full body suits created completely from spandex that men love to slip into and go out and about among the public. It might seem odd, but there are actual groups or clubs for men that love to wear full body spandex.

It is this desire for mens spandex that puzzles those people that don’t get it. Granted, spandex may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are more men than not that take great pleasure from wearing anything made from this magnificent material. These men are everywhere. You may work or play side by side with these men and not even realize it. A lot of the men that adore spandex don’t wear it so that others can see it. The hidden type of spandex comes in the form of underwear or even bikinis that are worn in place of the ordinary boxers or tightie whities that a lot of guys wear. Spandex lovers can slip right into these and no one will be the wiser.


When it comes to mens spandex, there are plenty of fans to go around. The guys who truly love spandex go to all sorts of lengths to find a way to continually be in contact with this material. Workouts can be a lot more fun when spandex workout clothes are worn. Cycling is more exciting when spandex bicycle shorts are used. Of course, you cannot forget about spandex swimwear. That is probably the most exciting category of spandex of them all. This is where it all comes together for these guys. The look, the sensation, and the total thrill of it all are right there for the taking in the swimwear that all men envy.

Men’s Spandex for All Ages

Mens Spandex for All Ages

There are a lot of different mens spandex items on the market these days and you should try every single one of them if you ever get the chance. There will probably be some items that you may not think will suit you but, once you get them on; you will see that they do. Some of them might not feel all that great at first, especially for those that aren’t used to wear spandex. On the other hand, after a few hours, you will wonder why you haven’t been wearing spandex all your life.

I love wearing mens spandex and I will keep wearing it for as long as I possibly can. Even when I am 80 years old you will see me walking around wearing something made out of spandex. It may be sagging a bit on my wrinkly old body, but I don’t care. I will be too old to care about anything like that after all. I wish there were more people like me out there in the world; people that weren’t afraid of what everyone else was thinking about them when they wear something out in public. If things were this way, the world would probably be a lot different from what it is now.

I can just imagine what the future of mens spandex will be like. All those different designs that no one ever thought would be possible will suddenly be the norm for everyday use. Guys of all ages will be expressing themselves in ways that they were never able to do in the past, and I will be more than happy to be enjoying it all. I might even spend more time on the beach when those days come around especially since I will most likely be retired and have nothing else to do by then. Although I do hope it happens well before I am retired so that I can get a chance to wear some of them.

Mens Spandex Addiction


There are a lot of different men’s spandex swimwear designs on the market these days, and I am doing my absolute best to try each and every one of them. I am sure that I will never be able to wear all the different designs that keep coming out, but I find it rather fun trying. I have a huge collection of spandex items in my bedroom and that collection keeps growing every time I go online. I know that I should probably stop looking around for new items every day, but I just can’t help myself. I keep hoping that I will end up finding something I have never seen before and, sure enough, I always do.

I guess others might say that I have a problem with my mens spandex addiction, but I don’t see it that way. I wear every single item that I purchase, even when people aren’t aware that I am wearing them. I even have special spandex underwear that I like to wear under my clothes while I’m working. Not to mention the undershirt that I have on that showcases my nipples if I were to take off my dress shirt. I bet the people in the office would be surprised if they saw me dressed up like that during a business meeting.


I think mens spandex is the absolute best thing in the world for any guy that wants to have some fun while maintaining a professional appearance. I know I have a lot of fun thinking about what I am wearing under my clothes while my boss is telling me all about the things that I should be doing that day. I know I have deadlines and stuff, but I can’t stop thinking about how sexy I feel wearing a spandex gstring under my pants. One of these days I am going to find a job where I can wear whatever I want to at work and I will surprise everyone there my spandex outer wear.

Searching for New Men’s Spandex Designs


If you are interested in the new mens spandex designs, then you are not alone. I find myself looking around online almost every day in the hopes that I will find a new design that I have not seen yet. Thankfully, I almost always get to see something that I haven’t seen in the past. They may not exactly be the newest designs available all the time, but they are new to me, and that is what counts. I love looking at them online, but I really wish I could afford to buy every one of them that I find. That way I could model them for myself in the mirror.

I know it sounds weird that I would want to model mens spandex designs in the mirror for myself, but it really isn’t. I don’t have anyone in my life right now that I can model them for, so I have to settle for doing it to myself. I would love to be able to take my spandex out in public but the people in the town that I live in wouldn’t understand it. In fact, they might not enjoy it at all and call the cops on me for whatever reason.

That is what happens when you enjoy wearing mens spandex in the south. These people only care about what the bible has to say about life in general, but I am pretty sure that people two thousand years ago living in the desert would have been thrilled to have something like spandex available to them. Wouldn’t that have made it a bit of a change in the way we live these days if they did have spandex back then? I think that would be a very interesting thing to see and I would love to be able to go back in time and start handing out spandex to everyone I came across. On the other hand, I can just keep my fantasies to myself.

Mens Spandex for Public Appreciation


Some of the sexiest mens spandex I have ever seen was never meant to be worn out in public. I can understand since one of those items was a full blown body suit that had the crotch cut out of it. I could just imagine walking down the sidewalk in something like that. It probably wouldn’t take the police more than five minutes to have me cuffed and riding in the back of one of their cars. But it would be rather interesting to wear to one of the dress up parties that my friends hold every couple of weeks.

Those parties started out as basic Halloween type parties but we got bored with that rather quickly. Now we try to find outrageous costumes to wear and I always seem to find some kind of mens spandex outfit to show off to the guests. Last party I was wearing a spandex based swimsuit that really didn’t leave much to the imagination. I ended up being the center of attention that night and I have thought about upping the stakes just a bit. I know that my friends will all be looking for something sexy like that to wear to the next one so a spandex body suit like this one might just do the trick.

Even if you are only looking for mens spandex that you can wear out in public, there are still plenty of sites that have that for you. There is no reason why you should have to go all out like I do for these parties although it can be rather fun at times. I have even been known to wear my spandex items around the house when no one is around just so I can feel them against my skin. Spandex is one of the most versatile materials known to man, after all, and that is something that I rediscover each time I wear it.


Discovering Mens Spandex


There has been a lot of talk about mens spandex recently and it got me curious as to what this spandex thing is all about. The only spandex I ever knew about was the stuff that you bought for riding bikes or going jogging way back when. When I stopped seeing people working out in spandex based shorts, I figured the material had lived its life in honor and passed away from existence. Apparently, however, there has been some kind of revival over the years and there are thousands of different designs to choose from, which made me very curious.

So I started looking around at some of these online sites that were offering mens spandex to see why so many men were excited over this particular fabric. Needless to say, my curiosity went into overdrive once I figured out that the sexiest items I had ever seen were being made from spandex. I had seen these designs all over the beach and never even knew that they were made from spandex material. I was shocked that I hadn’t realized any of this sooner, but what really got me was the amount of sex wear that was being made from this fascinating material.


What I thought of as the ultimate mens spandex design, being the workout clothes in the 1980’s, turned into bedroom fun the likes of which I could never have imagined in the past. I was so surprised that I ended up buying well over $300 worth of spandex items just so I could try them on for myself. I am pretty sure that this is when I first became hooked on spandex, and I will stay that way for as long as I possibly can now. I love having and wearing spandex, and I look forward to buying even more of these items in the years to come.

The Greatest Things about Men’s Spandex

The Greatest Things about Mens Spandex

I love the thought of wearing mens spandex all day long. I sleep in the nude so I wouldn’t be wearing any at night while I was in bed, but the day would be filled with spandex of all styles and designs. I don’t have to worry about going to the office for work every day so I could wear my spandex all the time without getting harassed about it. That is one of the best things about working from home, I can literally wear whatever I want and the boss won’t get mad at me. I even spent an entire day working while naked just to see what it was like.

While I do enjoy being able to wear whatever I want, having the option of wearing mens spandex designs has really gotten to me. I can’t think of any reason to not wear these items now. I even tried to come up with a couple of reasons to not wear spandex at home and the only thing I could come up with was Jehovah Witnesses coming to my door. Then, I realized that if I was wearing sexy spandex based items, they would probably scurry away and never darken my doorstep again.

I actually started thinking about designing mens spandex items with people like that in mind. What would I need to do to make sure people like Jehovah Witnesses would stop knocking on my door all the time? Those thoughts got me to looking around online for designs that might work and I ended up buying three of them right away. Now I just have to wear them and wait for someone to knock. I can’t wait to see their reaction when I open the door in my full spandex glory. I kind of hope they scream a little as they run away. While I’m at it, maybe I’ll design some spandex sheets for my bed.

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Life Changing Men’s Spandex

Life Changing Mens Spandex

Wearing men’s spandex items has changed my life over the last couple of years. I started this little journey a few decades ago when spandex running shorts were all the rage. However, while everyone else seemed to think it a passing phase, I found myself eager to try other kinds of spandex based action wear. Of course there wasn’t all that much available back then so I had to settle with just wearing those shorts all the time. People looked at me funny and made insulting comments about them, but I kept wearing them regardless because I enjoyed them.

After a few years, mens spandex started becoming quite the fetish in the underworld sex scene. I started drifting in that direction and found a whole new aspect to wearing this wonderful material. I found that full spandex body suits could be purchased and worn for a little constricting fun at certain clubs. In addition, I found that you could purchase underclothes that you could wear everywhere you went and still enjoy spandex without people knowing about them. Now most of the material in clothes has some kind of spandex basis to it and most people don’t even know that.


I went from wearing mens spandex jogging shorts to some of the sexiest underwear you could ever imagine within a few short years and I have never been happier. If I ever thought that I was going to grow out of wearing my spandex I would probably check myself into a hospital because I would be missing something inside. This material has brought about every emotion I have ever lived through and has been a major aspect in some of the best memories I have ever had. There is nothing in this universe that could keep me from wearing my spandex and enjoying my life because of them. I just hope that the styles keep changing with the times and I don’t get too old to try them out.

Getting into the Habit of Buying Mens Spandex


Buying mens spandex is one of those things that most people never really think about. Guys that wear spandex based swimwear have no issues with finding the exact designs that they are hoping to wear and usually know where all the good deals are. On the other hand, those guys that are new to wearing spandex swimwear find that there are a few tricks that you can use to find all the best designs. The first trick is to stop looking around at the local clothing stores for your swimwear. You aren’t going to find but a handful of styles that are made from spandex and that isn’t even touching the surface.

This means you are going to have to start searching online for your mens spandex swimwear. While you may think it would be easy to do; you will see that you are wrong. There are literally thousands of different sites on the internet promoting spandex clothing items that it could take you a few hours to find a site that you would feel comfortable looking through. You will want to narrow down that search a little bit, which could be almost impossible if you aren’t sure what style of spandex you are supposed to be trying to find.

Even though it’s easy for guys that are constantly wearing mens spandex swimwear to find exactly what they want; it has taken them a bit of time to get it that easy. Trial and error can be great friends when you are looking for something like this, but just make sure you are only buying designs that you truly want to wear. Even if it looks sexy you might find that it doesn’t fit your body quite the same way as it would someone else. Always remember that there are plenty of other guys that are new to these styles as well so you aren’t the only one that might be having issues.

Possible Mens Spandex Fetish


Mens spandex designs have certainly changed over the years. It used to be that you could only find general workout clothes made from this marvelous material. These days, you can find just about anything you want made from spandex. I have even found a three piece suit that was made from spandex and, while I couldn’t afford to buy something like that, I was truly amazed at its creation. I think it would be sexy as hell to wear a suit like that as long as I had spandex sex wear underneath it too.

I have been fascinated with mens spandex for a very long time now and I love seeing all the new designs that are coming out. I have purchased quite a few of them over the years as well and my collection keeps growing. There is probably a support group out there somewhere for guys like me, but I don’t see this as any kind of problem in my life. I just love wearing spandex and, if I have to buy three or four items a week, then that is okay with me. After all, it’s not like I am giving up everything else in my life to make sure that I can.

I guess you could say that I have a definite fetish for mens spandex. But I have always considered a fetish to have intrinsic sexual appeal for the person involved. I don’t get an erection or have an orgasm just because I have something on made from spandex. That has happened to me in the past, but it doesn’t happen every time. I just love feeling that material against my skin and thinking about what it would be like live in it for the rest of my life. Okay, maybe I do have a slight sexual preference to spandex and I could call it a fetish of sorts. But it is definitely a fetish that I don’t mind having and sharing with other people.