Daring to Wear Mens Spandex


When it comes to wearing mens spandex, I think the skimpier the sexier. I love the feel of something tight against my body and spandex can definitely get tight. On the other hand, if it isn’t just barely covering up certain parts of my anatomy, then I won’t wear it. I have to know that I might fall out of that skimpy little spandex item if I make the wrong movement or it just doesn’t do anything for me. I have friends that love wearing full spandex body suits, but that just seems like a waste of money and spandex as far as I am concerned. I could get ten or fifteen swimsuits out of something that big.

I know that mens spandex is a personal choice and all, but I think you should try some of the items I love before you make a final choice. Try something like a micro spandex swimsuit and see how sexy your body is before going out and buying a full body suit. Sure, you might like the constricting aspect of the body suit, but you are going to love the fact that your balls are being shown off in that little spandex swimsuit of yours.

You think you are going to love wearing skimpy mens spandex items, just think about what your partner is going to say. My partner loves it when I am doing chores around the house while wearing something that shows off my body to perfection. Of course that ends up with me not getting any of the chores done, but it does end up with me getting done so it works out just fine. Try something made from spandex no matter what the design and see how your life could be changed for the better. There are times in life when you really need to be more daring and spandex is a perfect thing to be daring in.



Mens Spandex Can Never Be Replaced


Mens spandex has been popular for many decades and continues to grow in this popularity even today. This fact proves that spandex is a fabric that can never be replaced especially among men. There is so much affection tied to this fabric that it has even become the basis for various fetishes. It seems that all some men needed to do was to put this magnificent material against their bodies in some way and they were hooked. No one can explain what causes an attachment to form to something so strongly that it becomes a fetish, but it is the truth that spandex is adored by hundreds of thousands of men all over the world.

Therefore, for these guys in particular, mens spandex can never be replaced no matter how much the manufacturers of other fabrics may try to replicate it. To the men that are so in love with spandex, there is no other fabric that will do it for them. They will bypass rubber and even other versions of spandex in favor of the real thing. Nothing else will work. It is as simple as that. Spandex holds a special allure for men that are drawn to this type of material for many reasons. For one thing, it offers a level of comfort that most other fabrics cannot manage. That comfort comes along with various flattering looks that spandex offers.

Mens spandex should not ever be taken for granted just because it would be easy to do so. In fact, it should be always remembered what a special fabric that spandex is. When you think of the three things that it offers to wearers right from the beginning, it is simple to understand why so many guys love it. Comfort, flattery, and a fetish lure are things that usually are not present all together in one fabric. However, with spandex, you get all of them and much more.



Men’s Spandex to Look Your Hottest


There is just something about men’s spandex that tend to make most men that wear garments made from this versatile material look hotter than they would have ever dreamed. It really does not matter what these garments are, either. They can be swimsuits, workout clothes, bicycle shorts, and the list goes on and on. It just depends on what you are in the mood to slip onto your body. You will find that there are all sorts of styles available and most of them will make even the most average man appear special. If you doubt that statement, you should know that there are a few ways to use spandex to flatter your appearance.

To begin with, you should select which of the men’s spandex styles that you want to wear first. Decide what you are in the mood to wear. Do you want to go swimming? A swimsuit made from   spandex is perfect. Are you heading off to the gym? A pair of workout shorts paired with a t-shirt that may or may not be spandex will work out great for you. Do you want to go for a ride on your bicycle or just take a walk? Spandex bicycle shorts are just what the doctor ordered. Of course, if you are only going to stay at home, then you don’t have to actually choose. Instead, you can wear whatever you happen to have on hand because no one except you or maybe your partner will see you.

Next, see what color of men’s spandex that you are in the mood to wear. You might be in a red mood because you want to be wicked and sexy in the bedroom. Black is another one of those hot ad sexy colors. A cool blue might be just right for you to wear while relaxing. Yellow is bright and happy to make you more cheerful if you are feeling down. The most important thing to remember is to wear the spandex item that will make you feel the best that you can and you will see just how well it improves your overall appearance.




Mens Spandex Fashions for All Occasions


There is nothing sexier than mens spandex fashions especially when you have the right body to carry them off successfully. That is probably one of the reasons that guys are finding them so awesome these days. More and more men are starting to see that wearing spandex can truly make their lives exciting. Even those guys that are afraid of wearing spandex out in public find that these types of fashions will get them noticed by people around them. Of course they aren’t showing anything off, but they do have the confidence that wearing spandex naturally gives them.

One thing you will notice about wearing mens spandex fashions is that there really isn’t an occasion that you can’t enjoy them. There are so many different designs and styles of spandex available that you can literally wear them anywhere and at any time. Think of how interesting things would be for you if you could wear your favorite pair of shorts around without anyone saying anything about it. Well, that is something you can do with spandex even if you are wearing them under your regular clothing. This is one amazing type of material to be able to give you that much freedom.

No matter what occasion you have been invited to attend, your mens spandex fashions will make you the sexiest man there. You just need to make sure that you are ready for that kind of excitement in your life first. Guys that haven’t thought this out thoroughly will find that they are the center of attention everywhere they go and, if they aren’t prepared; it can be frustrating. But once you start wearing spandex like this, you will have no choice but to be loved by everyone around you. Just think of it as a reward for taking the risk of doing something that others might not consider.



Nothing Feels as Great as Mens Spandex


I have worn a lot of interesting things in my life but nothing has felt as great as my mens spandex designs. There is something very special about the feeling of spandex against my skin. I’m not really sure what it is, to be honest, but I do know that I enjoy it and I am never going to stop wearing it. I just wished that I could wear my spandex all the time instead of finding certain times to wear it when no one else is around. I have tried wearing spandex under my clothes, but then I just want to show them off to everyone and I end up getting into some trouble that way.

If you have ever worn mens spandex in the past, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Sometimes, you just want to go out in the middle of a busy intersection and show everyone passing by what you are wearing. That is why I try my best to stay at home and wear my spandex privately. I do have a few friends that come over from time to time to wear spandex with me, though. Those little parties can turn out to be quite interesting, if you know what I mean. Also, it is at these parties that I feel my happiest.

If you have never worn mens spandex, then you need to find some quickly. This is the type of material that could change your life forever. I know it has made me more adventurous and it might do that for you as well. Of course, you have to allow yourself the opportunity to get involved in something different once in a while. It might take you a bit of time to find the right spandex to wear, but once you do; you will love the feel of it against your skin just like I do. Most likely, you will never want to take it off.



Men’s Spandex

I love men’s spandex. I love the way it feels on my body and I love the way it looks. I enjoy wearing bikinis, thongs, spandex micro shorts, spandex tights, G-strings, pouch suits, extreme men’s swimwear in fact I love wearing just about and type of men’s spandex designs. It is a huge fetish of mine and I hope to share it with this blog.

This blog will offer the latest information and photos about men’s spandex in all shapes and sizes. Most of the photos will be model shots but I will include some regular guy photos, myself included. Please feel free to send in your stories, adventures and photos to be posted.




