Using Mens Spandex as a Reward for Working Hard


Nothing is more rewarding to me than wearing mens spandex fashions when I get home from work. No matter what kind of day I am having at work, I can always look forward to going home and relaxing in my spandex. I think more people should have something like this in their lives so that they can get rid of any stress that might have been building up inside of them. I know that I am much happier now that I have accepted the fact that I can wear spandex at home. The only problem is that I do have to keep myself from wearing any at work.

When I have tried wearing mens spandex to work, I always find myself doing less. I think it is the mood that wearing my spandex puts me in or something because I just can’t seem to focus on anything else. I end up getting so relaxed that I don’t want to even be at work. That is when I start daydreaming about all the things I could be doing in my life instead of sitting at my desk. While it can be fun to pass some time in that manner, it really isn’t productive and has caused a few issues with my boss in the past.

That is why I now keep my mens spandex as a kind of reward for working hard every day. Although there are quite a few days when working hard isn’t exactly something that I had accomplished and I still wear my spandex. Basically, I go out and live my life through the day just so I can come home and put on my spandex. Really, nothing else matters to me besides my spandex and, if I could find a way of wearing spandex all day, every day, then I would and have no issues with it. Unfortunately, I need to have money in order to buy more spandex. That is why, for now at least, this is something that works for me.


I Want To Wear Mens Spandex All The Time


I know there are guys out there that aren’t aware of what it feels like to wear mens spandex and I feel really bad for them. I have been wearing these items for a very long time now and I can honestly say that there is no other type of material out there that feels like spandex. If there were something else out there that felt like spandex then I would probably be trying to wear that as well. The only real issue I have with spandex in general is the fact that I can’t wear it all the time because of where I work.

If I worked in a place where I could wear nothing but mens spandex all the time then I would certainly go there instead of the office I currently work in. Unfortunately I can’t seem to think of any type of job where that would be possible. But if I ever do find a job that would allow me to do that I would certainly put in my notice here and head on out the door. Maybe I should start looking a little bit harder for something in the spandex design field to see if that might help me.

I could always be a mens spandex model for all the sites online that sell these wonderful items. I have a pretty decent body if I may say so myself and I am sure that I could do whatever needed to be done in order to make a success out of it. Or I could just figure out something I could do from home in order to wear whatever I want to at any time of the day. Even though I don’t get to wear my spandex all the time I still get to enjoy the moments when I can wear it. In fact just thinking about the spandex that I will be wearing at the end of the day makes going to work bearable for the most part.

Finding Multiple Mens Spandex Designs


When it comes to wearing mens spandex, I have discovered that having multiple designs helps. The good news is that there are a lot of options available for you online. I find all the spandex items I wear online and having so many selections available to choose from means that I will always have a clean piece to put on my body every day. It also gives me the opportunity to wear things that I might not wear all the time. I love showing off my spandex, but there are times when I want to get a bit naughty so I have options for that as well.

The naughty mens spandex that I like to wear would definitely not go over well in public. I would probably have some very upset people throwing things at me if I ever did wear them out where I could be seen. Thankfully, I have a very special person in my life that likes it when I wear my naughty spandex in the bedroom. If you have not enjoyed a night of debauchery with sexy spandex, then you have been missing out on something special. Trust me; the only way to truly enjoy living is by having some fun with these sexy items in the privacy of your own bedroom.

I have enjoyed wearing mens spandex for quite a while now and it is very exciting to me to see more guys getting involved in this trend. It seems to me that the more guys that are wearing these items the more designs end up being created. That means there are even more spandex options for me to choose from, which is something that I really like. The only problem I have is trying to figure out which design I am going to buy next, but that isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things. As long as I get to wear my spandex, I am more than happy with my life just as it is.

I Might Have a Mens Spandex Phobia


I love wearing mens spandex but there are times when I can get tired of having it on. Sometimes I just want to wear something normal like everyone else but I can’t. The reason I can’t wear normal clothing is that I have been spoiled by the great fit and comfort of spandex for far too long. I would love to go out in jeans and a t-shirt for a few hours but the second I try leaving the house like that I feel I am missing something. I end up having to turn around and find something made from spandex that I can wear under it.

I am sure there are other guys out there that can wear mens spandex one second and put on a business suit without thinking about it the next but I am not one of those guys. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t have something made from spandex on my body and that is not good for me. I don’t know if there is a phobia out there about not wearing spandex but if there is I probably have it. The good news is that I have enough spandex items to wear that I can live a normal life most of the time.


Mens spandex has become such an integral part of my life that I honestly can’t imagine living without it. All those years of life before I found spandex have become a blur of emotionless nonsense that I can’t focus on anymore. I look forward to the day when spandex becomes the only clothing material that people wear so that everyone can understand what I have to go through. Of course if that is the only thing people are wearing I won’t have to go through this dreaded feeling of not having any spandex. So life would generally be a lot better if that were to happen.

The Diversity Mens Spandex


One of the things about mens spandex that I really enjoy is the diversity of the designs that are available. I never thought I would be one of those guys walking around in things made out of spandex when it first came out but now it is something I just can’t live without. I simply have to own items made from spandex or I feel like I am missing out on something. If you took a look in my closet right now you would think that I had bought out an entire spandex store.

I will say that there are some mens spandex designs that I will stay away from. They are overly sexy for what I am prepared to wear as far as I am concerned. Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t think guys should wear them. On the contrary, I think guys should be allowed to wear whatever they want to. I just don’t feel comfortable showing off my body in that manner. Maybe if I had a better body to show off then I could get on board with wearing them but that isn’t who I am. I like to show my body off with a bit of modesty attached.

No matter what you might think about mens spandex designs I will tell you that there is something out there for everyone. Even if you are just looking for something to do your morning workout in, there is a spandex design that will keep you happy. Of course once you start wearing something like that you will probably end up like me and buying more and more options as they become available. Just don’t get carried away by it all and give up everything else in your life so that you can look fantastic when you are walking around in public. Oh who am I kidding, that is exactly what I have done.


Appreciating Mens Spandex Fashions


Nothing is better than finding a new mens spandex item that I do not own yet. I feel like one of those people that would go to an antique sale and find something really special for a very low price whenever I come across a spandex that I do not have. I get all kinds of excited about it and I want to run around the house waving my arms in the air and yelling. Of course I would get quite a few looks from my roommates for doing something like that since they have no idea that I wear spandex. At least they do not know that I have some items that I like to wear under my clothing where no one else can see it.

Mens spandex fashions have always interested me since I saw my first piece about five years ago. I knew that it was something that I was going to be involved in at some point in my life, but I was not sure how I was going to go about buying it. Now that I have found some sites online, though, I don’t have that issue any more. In fact, I am constantly looking through those sites on a regular basis to see if there is anything new coming out on the market.


I want to be that guy that always has the newest mens spandex designs even if no one else knows that I am wearing it. Things like that make me feel important for some reason and I like that feeling. I do wish I had someone else that I could share this sense of accomplishment with, but I am not going to go out and show everyone what I just bought. I would rather keep it a secret and not share than to have everyone I know cast me out of their social circle because they think they are too manly to wear sexy spandex. If they were really manly; it wouldn’t matter what they were wearing. I just look at myself as being a true individual and I feel that is a very mature trait.

You Know You Love Mens Spandex


There are many guys who simply refuse to admit that they love mens spandex. It is hard to understand why they would deny something of this nature although there are many possibilities as to why they would not admit to it. For one thing, if guys went wearing only clothing items made from spandex, other people would definitely point and stare at them. There would almost always be giggling because, unless you happen to be a man who loves spandex, you will not understand at all why someone would be dressing that way. So there is the first reason right there for keeping a love of spandex a secret. No one wants to be made fun of and criticized because of personal choices.

While that may be true, though, if you do happen to be someone who loves mens spandex, there is definitely no reason that you should hide that fact. No one has any right to judge what other people wear in public; as least not as long as there is nothing showing that should not be. In fact, there are even spandex outfits that cover every part of the body except the eyes and nose. These guys are part of a spandex community whose members dress up in spandex suits and head out on the town. When they put on one of these shows at a mall or down the middle of the street; it is quite a parade to behold.


“No models today just me wearing a favorite Koalaswim suit”


The thing that you have to do for yourself if you love mens spandex items is admit it to yourself and then do not let anyone stop you from enjoying your spandex. Nothing should take you away from something that gives you so much pleasure. Now that does not mean that you should strip down to a spandex swimsuit or something and stroll down the center of your street. It simply means that you should find a way to live with your little fetish without worrying about offending anyone else or being offended yourself. If you work on a plan for doing just that; you will soon find a way to enjoy your spandex totally.

Searching for Mens Spandex


I enjoy wearing mens spandex items as often as I can, but there are times when I just do not have the ability to do so. When those times come up in my life I always wonder if there is something out there that I could secretly wear that no one would ever know about; something that I could hide under my regular clothing so that it was not being shown off like everything else that I tend to wear. That is when I started looking around online to see if there was anything available that fit that type of definition and was surprised to see what I found.

As it turns out, there are a lot of mens spandex items available on the market that I could be wearing under my clothing. I never really thought about the number of guys that might love spandex as much as I do. That is why it never occurred to me that anyone would have made something that could be worn in secret. I guess you could say I do not really get out all that much since seeing all those designs basically blew my mind. On the other hand, at least I was able to find a few things that I could wear no matter what I was doing.

If I had known about these mens spandex items earlier in my life, I would not have been focusing more on missing my spandex all those times. Now I just have to worry about what design I will be wearing every day and whether or not I will get the chance to show it off in public. I do enjoy showing my spandex off as often as I can, but there are times when it is nice to be able to keep it hidden away, making it my own personal secret that I do not have to share with anyone out there.

The Men’s Spandex Explosion


So many years ago, mens spandex garments were not all that familiar to the public. It was only until cycling became a huge sport for men that spandex started to be introduced on the active wear market in a big way. When it was discovered that this material was not only so comfortable that it felt as if you were wearing nothing at all, but it adjusted to the weather and the way that your skin responded to heat or cold. Men know that cycling is hard work and can be very tiring. They quickly found that spandex allowed them to remain a lot more comfortable for a longer period of time on the bicycles. In short, spandex was perfect for this sport.

Soon it became clear that mens spandex items were comfortable for any sportswear and hit the market with an explosion that was rivaled by few things. Once men discovered all of the benefits of spandex, stores and shops could not seem to keep spandex items stocked, and this included high end stores such as Macy’s. No longer were men reduced to sneaking around on the internet for websites that sold spandex items with quality that was questionable at best. Now, men can just walk into nearly any store that carries mens sports wear clothing and find exactly what they want in spandex. There is no long any shame in purchasing spandex.


Of course, mens spandex items will always carry a bit of a stigma to it regarding it as fetish material because of the sensations that it can produce when worn against bare skin. But, in the end, who really cares about that? Your private life is your private life and that is all that should matter. Admittedly, there are plenty of spandex items used in fetish situations but that only means that it brings a lot of pleasure into the lives of many men as well as any women that are involved in it.

Wearing Every Men’s Spandex Design


There are a lot of different mens spandex designs in this world and I intend to wear every single one of them before my time is up. I understand that I probably won’t be able to wear them all since there are more and more designs being created on a regular basis, but I am still going to try. I also know that being wealthy will come in quite handy since I will have to buy one of every design I find. Spending that kind of money can add up rather quickly, but I think it will be worth every penny I spend.

There is a very good chance that all of the mens spandex designs I purchase and wear will be shown off in public at some point in time. There are quite a few of them available on the market that I won’t be able to wear to a regular beach, though. I will have to find a beach where I can wear some of the more exciting designs so that people won’t mind seeing that much of my body. I do wish that I could wear whatever designs I want to on any beach in the world, but I don’t think the world is ready for something like that just yet.

Just thinking about all the fun I am going to be having while wearing my mens spandex is making me quite excited. I just want to throw something sexy on and head out the door right this second. Too bad I don’t have enough time to head off to the beach today or I would be going in that direction right this second. I know that my weekend is pretty much free, though, so I will be making some plans to hang out in the sun as soon as Saturday comes around again

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