Men’s Spandex creations

Mens spandex items are available all over the world these days and nearly any type of garment can be found for sale on the market. Just think about it for a second. Cycling shorts, workout clothes, swimsuits and even underwear are all able to be purchased in spandex. While you may not be able to walk into your local Walmart or Target stores and find an excellent selection of spandex garments to buy, there is always the internet. There are thousands of websites online that cater to men and their specialty items, no matter what you might be searching for at the moment.

Because of the lesser selections of mens spandex items that you may find in shops and stores, it is usually a much better idea to sit down at your computer in the privacy of your own home to do your shopping. This makes things even more fun because these online websites are the best places to find spandex items that are a lot of fun to own and to wear. Imagine yourself slipping into some lemon yellow spandex bikinis to wear around your house. Then you can pair it with a shirt of Kelly Green spandex so that you become quite a colorful display. Even if no one is around to see you in your fun spandex, it will still be a lot of fun for you to wear.


Of course, there are also the full body mens spandex garments. These cover everything except your nose, eyes and mouth. They are more geared toward men with spandex fetishes but that certainly does not mean that they are not fun to wear. Many men who love full body spandex suits gather in groups to go out in public dressed in their suits. Who is going to recognize them anyway? They are nearly 98 percent covered so they can go out and have a great afternoon or evening dressed in the material that they adore. Guys who belong to these groups say there is nothing more fun than travelling around in groups. You might want to give that a shot, too. It may be more of a good time than you think.

Mens Spandex for the Holidays

Mens spandex will be appreciated at any point in time as a gift. You can give that special male spandex lover in your life something made from this fabulous fabric for his birthday, anniversary or simply as an I Love You present any time during the year. However, the holiday season is always the perfect time to do some special spandex shopping for your guy to wrap up and place under the holiday tree. Best of all, he will love what you have done for him because it provides an entirely new addition to his spandex wardrobe. These are gifts that are guaranteed to put a smile on his happy face.
If you are stuck on what sort of mens spandex to get that special man in your life, it is rather simple to get some ideas that will result in the perfect gift for him. To begin with, try to sneak a peek in his closet so that you can get an idea of the type of spandex he likes and already has. If possible, you will want to get him something a little different, but definitely something made completely from his favorite material. Once you have decided what sort of spandex gift to buy for him, the next step is to find the ideal place to purchase it. That is also not very complicated.


Mens spandex items are sold all over the place but one of the best places to find them is actually right from the comfort of your own home. That’s right; all you have to do is haul out your laptop or sit down at your desktop computer and go online. Once you do, you will find plenty of websites that cater to mens specialty items and these include things made of spandex. All you have to do is browse through some of these websites and you will find everything you need. If you happen to stumble onto websites that offer newer spandex items, there is a better chance that you can find exactly the item or items you need for your special spandex guy.

Mens Spandex Clothing


Mens spandex clothing comes in all shapes, sizes and styles. While spandex is definitely something used to create some amazing swimwear for both men and women, it should not be put aside that this amazing material is used to construct other garments. These garments are particularly useful to those guys that lead active lifestyles. Workout shorts and shirts are in high demand when made from spandex. Jogging or running shorts also make some of the most comfortable garments. This is also true of shorts that bicyclists wear when they are practicing or competing. Spandex breathes with the person wearing it and that is one of the many aspects that make it so sought after by fitness experts and aficionados alike.

There are other reasons that mens spandex clothing is so popular. One of these reasons has to do with those guys that are really into spandex. They are known as spandex men and they have a huge love of this fabric. Nothing is more precious or exciting to them than spandex. These guys search high and low for various spandex items that they can wear all the time. They have to be rather careful when they want to wear spandex everywhere they go including to work. So they tend to find such things as underwear to slip under their business suits. There are even socks that are made from spandex that can be worn and not seen.

Mens spandex clothing is something that has come on the scene more and more during the past several years. It is for reasons of comfort, appearance, and a bit of a fetish with spandex. Men in that last category will do anything to find their beloved fabric. They are the men that populate the websites online catering to novelty and fetish wear. When they are ready for a new garment to add to their collection of spandex, they comb the internet until they find that special item made from spandex that speaks to them. And there are plenty of items available for them to purchase.




How to Enjoy Mens Spandex in Secret


A lot of mens spandex designs are created in a manner that makes them easy to hide if you absolutely need to do that. I find that to be rather handy because a lot of people in the circles that I hang out in wouldn’t understand why I was wearing something like this. They would think there was either something wrong with me or that I was some kind of pervert for wanting to wear items like this. They don’t understand the amount of comfort I get from wearing spandex and trying to explain it to them would be a huge waste of time on my part.

I have mens spandex items that I can wear without hiding them under other clothing and these people still wouldn’t understand why I was wearing them. They might not look at them the same as they would if I was wearing my more erotic versions, but they still wouldn’t accept me in them. It’s really sad that people can’t see past what someone is wearing and get a good look at the happiness that is present in that person’s eyes. If they would only try one spandex item on, they would understand why it is that I choose to wear this magnificent material in the first place.


I guess it is a good thing that these people don’t wear mens spandex like I do, though. If everyone in the world decided to wear spandex, then I would probably have to find something different to wear in order to feel special. There wouldn’t be any special designs or anything for me to wear because everyone else would have them. If you think about it that way; then there is a good reason to keep things like this hidden from everyone else. Maybe one of these days people will catch on to what spandex can offer them. Until then, I will keep my little secret to myself and keep enjoying it.


The Other Side of Mens Spandex


There are some mens spandex items available on the market that I just can’t bring myself to wear on a regular basis. I really have to be in the mood in order to put them on and there is no chance that anyone else will ever see them when I do. I’m not talking about the common designs that you see guys wearing all the time down on the beach, either. I’m talking about the ones that you can only find on adult sites that actually check your age before you can get into them. They are so sexy and erotically charged that you can’t just let anyone see them.


I love wearing mens spandex but my special designs take me to a completely different place in reality. Of course, it might be that it is not based in reality but rather in a completely new realm. I guess you could think of it as watching a movie that is so engrossing that you actually think you are a part of it. That is what I feel every time I put on my special spandex designs. They are unlike anything else I have ever worn in my entire life. I only wished I felt that way about other clothing options I have that I could wear in public all the time.

One of these days, there will be guys wearing mens spandex designs in public just like the ones I have. I may not have the courage to wear mine out in public even then, but I will be more than happy to see other guys wearing them for me. I think it would be great to watch their happiness unfold in front of complete strangers and know that I have that as well at home. Maybe I will find the courage to wear mine someday but, even if I don’t; I will always be able to look at myself in the mirror and know that I am content with how my life has turned out.

The Effort of Creating Mens Spandex


There is a lot that goes into making the best mens spandex on the market. If you know nothing about fashion and looked out on a beach somewhere seeing men walking around in fancy looking swimwear, you probably wouldn’t think too much about it. Even if you knew that it was made from spandex you still wouldn’t imagine the amount of effort it took to get that particular design out into the public. Most people think that making swimwear is fairly easy since you don’t have to work with all that much fabric but that just is not how it is.


Mens spandex is especially difficult to make because all men are created differently in that area. No guy out there has the same size or shape to their cock as any other guy and things like that have to be taken into consideration when putting together swimwear of this nature. You want the swimwear to fit properly, but also be tight enough to show things off just a bit. The strategically designed stiches and fabric cuts alone would drive most people from ever wanting to get into this kind of business. Plus, you can’t cover up a mistake with an accessory or anything like you find in other fashion aspects.

The next time you are out on the beach; I want you to take a look at the mens spandex designs that are walking around and consider just what had to go into that design for it to be shown on that man. You might end up with a new found respect for both the swimwear he is wearing and the man that is willing to put his body on display to show it off. Once enough people realize that this type of swimwear is legitimate, then you will see more guys wearing them out in public and the world can start to open its mind to different ways of living life and being happy.

Various Mens Spandex Designs


There are a lot of versions of mens spandex that you can find these days if you are looking for something a bit different to wear. I started looking around for something to wear in the bedroom a while back to spice things up and came across some spandex sites. At first, I skipped right over them because I figured it was all the same designs being sold by different sites. I didn’t really think all that many people were interested in wearing spandex anymore since the ‘80s are a long lost memory for most people. But apparently a lot of people actually enjoy this material.

After looking around at some other sites, I made my way back to the mens spandex sites and decided to have a look around. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from these designs, but I went ahead and took a quick look anyway. After about fifteen minutes, I realized that I was about to get involved in something that would completely change the way I lived my life from this point forward. I just didn’t know how different my life was going to turn out at that moment in time.


No models just me with a butt plug suit! Feels great!


It has been a few years since I first saw that mens spandex site and everything in my life seems to be better. I have quite the collection of spandex items that I enjoy wearing and they are so comfortable that I find myself wearing them to work under my clothes. I can truly see why this material has become so popular over the years and I am extremely glad that it isn’t the same designs from the ‘80s, too. I am pretty sure that if those sites were selling nothing except the work out clothing that used to be popular back then, I wouldn’t be wearing anything made from spandex. Now, spandex is exactly what I need in my life and I’m so happy that I discovered that.


Being Yourself in Mens Spandex


What could I possibly say about mens spandex to make you want to go out and wear it in public that hasn’t already been said by someone else? If you aren’t interested in wearing spandex, then nothing I say is going to make a bit of difference. All I can tell you is that I feel it is one of the most important advancements in fashion since jeans were created. The material itself is more versatile than anything else I have ever seen and you can go from sexy to sophisticated within minutes. You don’t get that from anything else; that’s for sure.

I have worn a lot of different mens spandex designs over the last few years and can tell you that there is something out there for anyone. If you want something to work out in, then you can find it, probably easier than you can find any other type of spandex. You can even go to a regular clothing store and find workout clothing made from spandex. If you want something sexy, then you can find some items in stores but mostly you have to look around online. If you are looking for straight up sex wear, then online is probably going to be your only option unless you happen to live in a city that has a wonderful adult shop.

No matter what kind of mens spandex you are looking for, you will end up being happy with whatever you get. There is no doubt in my mind that once you put on something this comfortable and wear it for a couple of hours; you will enjoy it. You may not be as involved in spandex as I have become over the years, but you will start to have a fondness for it and everything it brings. Just remember that there are some people that won’t understand why you are wearing it, but that attitude is slowly starting to change finally. Besides, as long as you love your spandex, who cares what other people think?

Wearing Tight Mens Spandex


When it comes to mens spandex, I feel the tighter the better. I love the constricting aspect of wearing spandex and I usually try to order items that are one or two sizes too small for me. Now I don’t suggest that everyone goes out and tries to do the same thing as you won’t be used to it. You might also end up ripping your new spandex item if you don’t have the techniques down for putting them on. Even with all the experience that I have with putting on tight spandex, I still end up ripping a few of them from time to time.

Mens spandex has always been one of my favorite things to wear in life. Even before all these really sexy options were available to the world, I was wearing spandex. I would buy the normal workout clothing that was made from spandex and sit down at a sewing machine in order to alter it into something better. Sometimes I succeeded and I was very happy when I did. On the other hand there were times that I failed miserably. You should have seen how many spandex shorts I went through before I figured out what I was doing wrong when trying to sew them.


Now I don’t have to worry about sewing my own mens spandex items. I can sit back and look through a website or two and find the perfect spandex designs for my needs. They are always high quality and I love that I don’t have to get the sewing machine out of the closet anymore. I would much rather spend a few extra dollars and buy something that I am going to love rather than saving money and trying to create something from scratch after all. Of course, as long as I have some spandex to wear I don’t really care where it might end up coming from.

Loving Mens Spandex Designs


If you have no idea what mens spandex is all about, then I feel bad for you. This is probably one of the greatest materials mankind has ever created and I think everyone should be wearing it. Spandex gives you the comfort of being completely nude without showing off everything you have. Of course you are going to be showing off quite a bit depending on the designs you pick out. Don’t be fooled into believing that people aren’t going to be noticing certain parts of your body because they most definitely will. Spandex is pretty snug so it is easy to see what you are trying to hide.

You should also be aware that there are some mens spandex designs that you won’t want to wear out in public. Actually, you will probably want to wear them out in public, but it would be better if you didn’t. Most people aren’t going to like the fact that they can see the outline of your cock through your swimwear to begin with, but actually seeing your cock flopping around won’t be tolerated at all. There are some designs that should specifically be termed as sex wear and left at that, if you get my meaning.


I prefer wearing mens spandex that is acceptable to anyone that I might meet on the beach. This way people can get used to seeing guys walking around in simple spandex designs and not flip out over them. Once every one is wearing something like this, then we can start working our way towards those more adventurous designs and see what happens. Maybe one of these days we can walk around with a spandex cap over the head of our cocks and that is all. I think going to the beach would be a lot of fun wearing something like that and seeing all the other guys doing the same. That just might happen in the not so distant future.