Various Mens Spandex Designs


There are a lot of versions of mens spandex that you can find these days if you are looking for something a bit different to wear. I started looking around for something to wear in the bedroom a while back to spice things up and came across some spandex sites. At first, I skipped right over them because I figured it was all the same designs being sold by different sites. I didn’t really think all that many people were interested in wearing spandex anymore since the ‘80s are a long lost memory for most people. But apparently a lot of people actually enjoy this material.

After looking around at some other sites, I made my way back to the mens spandex sites and decided to have a look around. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from these designs, but I went ahead and took a quick look anyway. After about fifteen minutes, I realized that I was about to get involved in something that would completely change the way I lived my life from this point forward. I just didn’t know how different my life was going to turn out at that moment in time.


No models just me with a butt plug suit! Feels great!


It has been a few years since I first saw that mens spandex site and everything in my life seems to be better. I have quite the collection of spandex items that I enjoy wearing and they are so comfortable that I find myself wearing them to work under my clothes. I can truly see why this material has become so popular over the years and I am extremely glad that it isn’t the same designs from the ‘80s, too. I am pretty sure that if those sites were selling nothing except the work out clothing that used to be popular back then, I wouldn’t be wearing anything made from spandex. Now, spandex is exactly what I need in my life and I’m so happy that I discovered that.