Looking Hot and Sexy in Men’s Spandex


Men’s spandex items are not such an unknown these days. In fact, spandex started hitting the scene many years ago. Granted, it was not always readily acceptable or even approved of for a long time. However, once the Olympic swimming and diving teams for the United States started wearing these spandex bikinis for men, spandex began to become very popular. The most sought after spandex items seemed to be bicycle shorts in the beginning, although spandex swimsuits started to catch on and were just as popular as the shorts. Following the launching of these spandex products came the introduction of spandex workout clothes. People loved this because of the ideal items for working out were there stronger than ever.

Men’s spandex is a pretty good way to look sexy when you want to go out in public or attend a pool party thrown by one of your friends. While, yes, spandex workout clothes and swimwear are all wonderful; there is a reason for that. This fantastic fabric has a way of adapting to the body wearing it. This also means that a man should never get too hot or too cold while wearing spandex whether he is wearing it during hot and heavy workouts or swimming in a pool with cool water. Whatever your body finds to be the most comfortable, the spandex will usually provide it.

Now, what you may not have expected or thought of is just how sexy men’s spandex can be no matter what activity you might be engaging in. The truth is that many, many people find that spandex can make your body look and feel the sexiest it has ever been. When you move across that sandy beach with such comfort and confidence, you will easily see just how much of a difference this amazing material can make. It is especially what you need if you have an issue of being a bit shy. These reactions will have you feeling the most confident that you ever have or will in the future.

Men’s Spandex to Start Your Gym Journey


Men’s spandex has a deeper purpose than most people realize. You have spent years as a couch potato. Your stomach is soft, your arms are flabby, and your ass is saggy and shapeless. You have finally had enough of looking and feeling like a shriveled water balloon. You have had a gym membership for months, but have never found the time or the energy to work out like you always intended to. But today is the day! You put on your men’s spandex and finally commit to one workout. You look in the mirror and see the outline of your body in the spandex. It does not look as bad as you thought it would, but you know it could look better. You flex what little muscle you have and picture them growing and toning.

While you are at the gym in your men’s spandex, you start on your arms. The workouts are simple, but grueling as you have not worked out in years. The next day, you come back and work your legs and glutes. You keep thinking of a new bikini whenever you finally get the toned butt you have always wanted. The more you covet that body style, the harder you work. The more you push yourself to come to the gym. As you start losing weight, you notice that your men’s spandex gear still fits, as it shrinks and stretches to accommodate your newly developing frame.

After a few months of steady gym visits, you finally start to see the body of your dreams, staring back at you through the mirror. Your men’s spandex looks better than ever on your tight, fit frame. Your muscles, defined under the fabric. It all starts with a look in the mirror, and the fantasy of everything that your body could be, and now it is finally here. Your spandex with you, every step of the way.

Men’s Spandex and Fashion


In the ever-changing, wild world of fashion, there now dwells men’s spandex. This fabric is almost the underdog of the fashion community, but it is making its own comeback. You see, spandex has always been seen as a bit of a joke. This material has often been used to mock overly effeminate or overly egotistical men who like to show off their figures. However, there is nothing to mock about a well-built man who wears some tight spandex. It is a versatile material that stretches to accommodate both your figure and your movement. It takes a lot to tear a good pair of spandex shorts or workout pants because it is not rigid in shape. Men’s spandex will always bend before it breaks.

Spandex is also versatile in what it can be made into. Spandex can be used to make tight, sexy swim suits for men. The bulge in a good spandex bikini is unreal. Spandex can also be used for underwear that really moves with you and provides security for your most delicate parts. This remarkable fabric can also be used for body suits. These body suits can be head-to-toe and all encompassing, or they can be sleeveless and stop at either the mid-thigh or bikini area. Men’s spandex is finally making a comeback because it can be used in almost every type of clothing! It is useful in its stretchy, well-fitting material, but it can also be fashionable. The reason for this is because it can be ironic, sexy, or both at the same time.

It is always hot to watch beefy guys in spandex bikinis at the beach or underwear models showing off a spandex G-string. A firm ass and a nice bulge is hard to resist, so spandex is great for any man who is trying to display his finer qualities. There are countless perks to choosing men’s spandex. The fashion industry would be crazy not to embrace this fabric for all the good it can offer.

The Pros and Cons of Mens Spandex


When people hear spandex, they typically get visuals of ridiculous outfits on 80’s hair metal bands. This is one of many images that come to mind, but mens spandex has come a long way since the 80’s. In the modern age, spandex has been seamlessly woven into different blends of underwear and exercise attire. Spandex can bring about negative opinions in terms of its inability to retain elasticity over a long period of time, but that does not render the fabric useless. One of the most common complaints about this material is that it also does not breathe well. In comparison to other fabrics, spandex has a notable lack of absorption. When going for a jog or an aggressive workout, sweat can become quite a nuisance. You may be questioning at this point if spandex is at all beneficial to wear. Just think of all of the professional athletes you see on television that are wearing spandex during routines. The athletic community has obviously found the positive side of mens spandex.


Spandex is stretchy! Elasticity is its main selling point. If you start out overweight, hit the gym and start building up muscle, the spandex shrinks and stretches to accommodate your changing body size. You do not have to buy new spandex clothes every time you drop ten pounds or put on a little bit of muscle. Its ability to mold to the wearer’s figure is part of what makes spandex a more financially appealing option.

Mens spandex is also a great look for many fit men. Guys who spend hours at the gym every week may enjoy a way to show off their gains. Spandex conforms to the skin to accentuate every rippling muscle. You can stride in pride with spandex shorts as opposed to baggy athletic shorts. Spandex underwear is also great for holding all of your manhood in place during more vigorous workouts. Loose fitting clothes don’t offer the same security as spandex. Though there may be cons to wearing spandex, some could say the pros outweigh them.

Take a Chance on Speedos for Men


Have you ever wanted to be one of those guys who can rock a pair of speedos for men but you just could not seem to summon the courage to wear them in public? If not, now is the time to change all of that. You need to give speedos a fair shot, especially if you are one of those guys who really take care of their bodies. You could have the body of a god but no one will ever know that unless you are brave enough to show it off in public. Speedos are an excellent way of doing just that. You will be amazed at the lustful looks you get when you appear on your favorite beach or at the swimming pool of your favorite resort wearing those speedos.

Something else that speedos for men can do for you is to provide the motivation you need to stay in decent shape. Granted, you do not have to look like a body builder to wear speedos, but the better you look, the more ogling you will get when others see you wearing them. If you are a little shy about wearing something so daring out in public, you will just have to screw up your courage and force yourself out of your house. Remember, it will only take one flattering and flirtatious look to make you feel that you made the best decision for yourself. Even more so, when you are slipped a few phone numbers and asked out on a few dates.

Try to imagine this scenario: you slip into your speedo for men and head to the beach. You will be wearing sunglasses so that you can tell if you are being looked at or not. After you have settled your beach blanket in place, you begin to apply sun screen to your body in a slow and sexy manner. When your body has been oiled and is gleaming in the sun, you lean back on your arms while stretching your legs out in front of you. Now you will really get a look at whether or not someone is admiring your sleek body in those speedos. See? That is all it will take to give you the courage to continue wearing speedos in public. Try it out and you will be convinced.


Men’s Swimwear Extreme micro designs, bikinis, thongs, G-strings, Short shorts and so much more!

Mens Spandex for the Ultimate in Comfort


Mens spandex items are the ultimate in comfort and sexiness. This fabric has been around for a very long time and still gains more popularity all the time. Consider spandex bicycle shorts. These were most likely the introduction to the comfort of spandex. This is a material that breathes with your skin, often making it feel as if you are wearing nothing at all. It molds to your body and is like a second skin. It also stretches just the right amount so that it works with your legs as you pedal your bicycle. This is also true of spandex work out clothes. They make it so much easier to get in the exercises to their maximum benefit.

Other items being created from mens spandex these days are swim suits such as bikinis, micro bikinis, thongs, G-strings, and even pouches. Men strut proudly along the beach showing off their spandex swim suits. Those items are probably the most popular of these made from spandex. These are what work to make men look their most erotic and desirable. Spandex simply makes sexy men look ever sexier. However, you do need to be in decent shape as spandex attaches itself to your body and will show off every flaw even if the item does fit. Whatever your body looks like is going to be amplified by the spandex garments. That is why you have to take your workout plans and healthy eating seriously.

Mens spandex are all about comfort and offering a flattering look to the body. Do not think that you can be a couch potato and never exercise and still look great in spandex. That will not happen. In fact, it might just make the out of shape man wearing spandex look sort of foolish. So get up and start walking or riding your bicycle. Start eating healthy foods. You can still enjoy your meals while eating something that is actually good for you. If you do not believe that, give it a try. You will soon see just how attractive you can be in your new spandex.

Searching for Mens Spandex Items


Spandex for mens spandex has become some of the most popular and sought after fabric of them all. There are several reasons for this popularity and want of this material. For one thing, they act as a double skin as they tend to breathe right along with your body. Most men say that spandex feel as if they are wearing nothing; sort of like they are going to commando underneath their business clothes or play clothes. It is usually not even noticeable by other people when they pass these guys. That is just how well they wear their spandex. There are other items made from spandex, as well, and they are just as well-loved.

Athletic clothing made from mens spandex are always in demand. That seems to have begun with the famous bicycle shorts that men and women, too, wore in bicycling competitions. These shorts were the most comfortable as well as being the most versatile in existence. Actually, all spandex garments are like that and that is why they are ideal to wear as workout clothes that have been created from spandex. Once the idea caught on, designers started to head to their sketch pads. They came up with lots of ideas for spandex that would translate into the perfect garments to use for working out or just lounging around your home. That is just how comfortable this fabric is.

Now, that you know what mens spandex is, you need to know how to find garments made from it. That is actually a very easy task to undertake. All you have to do is check out the men’s shops near you and if they do not have it, you can head to the internet because there are plenty of men’s websites online that sell anything that you may want, and that includes spandex items. On these websites, you will easily find swim suits of all styles as well as athletic clothes made of spandex. Find what is calling your name, order it and then sit back to wait for it to arrive at your door.

Mens Spandex in All Styles


If you happen to be a guy who is in love with all things spandex, you probably are already aware of this fact but if not, you are in for a tremendous surprise. These days, mens spandex is available in just about any style that you can imagine. Your choices include underwear, swim suits of all styles, and even workout clothes. Some guys love spandex so much that they simply wear it in some form or fashion around their home to provide the comfort that they cannot seem to get with any other clothing. Guys say that it literally feels as if they are wearing nothing because the spandex is so keyed in to your skin. It truly breathes with your skin and makes you feel as if you are nude and free. Nothing can beat that sensation, now can it?

To begin with, decide if you have one particular mens spandex style that you like or if you adore any and all items made from this remarkable fabric. There is a significant number of men all over the world that refuse to wear any type of underwear that is not made from spandex. They have their reasons for doing so and all of those reasons deal with comfort as well as looking sexy when they happen to get lucky or are with their partners getting ready to have some frisky, naught fun. Those spandex underwear will usually cause a marathon session of some of the best sex you have ever had with anyone.

For whatever reason that you find yourself drawn to mens spandex items, just know that there are plenty of garments available on the market for you to try. There may be a few items that are just not your thing, but that rarely happens. It is exciting news to know that designers everywhere are at their drawing boards to come up with even more items that can be made from spandex and that men will simply adore. Manufacturers of spandex items take note of what is bought more often than others. Then they know what direction to head in when they are designing new spandex garments.

Men’s Spandex More Popular Every Day

Men’s Spandex More Popular Every Day

Men’s spandex items are becoming more popular and sought after all the time. There are plenty of these garments on the market and more are being created every day by some very talented designers. You can find spandex swimsuits of all styles along with underwear, G-strings, workout clothes, cycling shorts and many other items for sale. True spandex lovers have their special places where they purchase exactly what they need or want made from this remarkable fabric. These are the men who have thought outside of the box a little and discovered something totally, fabulously different.

Some of the best places to find men’s spandex is, surprisingly, on the internet. For one thing, you have more choices to select from and that can make a huge difference when guys are members of spandex clubs and attend meetings frequently. It Men who attend gatherings with other men who are excited about spandex feel that they must have various types of spandex items to wear at these meetings. Sometimes there are even prizes awarded for the most unique spandex item worn to these gatherings. Guys really love that because the prizes awarded are typically gift certificates and other ways to get free spandex items. That presents a lot of fun for a man who is enamored of spandex.

Today, even the most ordinary people have heard of men’s spandex, or just spandex in general. They may have even worn certain pieces of spandex such as swimsuits or underwear. There may even be some women who will hop over to the men’s section and purchase a spandex workout suit to wear to the gym if they cannot find any women’s spandex. There is just something about this fabric that draws people to it. While molding to the body, it is almost like wearing nothing at all. It breathes with the skin and keeps the body either cool or warm, depending on the situation. Whatever else is involved, spandex is getting more popular every day and seems to continue heading in that direction.

Men’s Spandex Items


Men’s spandex items have become more popular all the time. There are many reasons for this. For one thing, this fabric clings to your body like a second skin. This can make all the difference in a successful workout session or one that simply fails because you get too hot and uncomfortable. Spandex stretches with you no matter what sort of activity you are engaging in. An example of this is riding a bicycle. Nearly all cyclists wear spandex shorts. This is especially true of professional cyclists. They find that spandex cycle shorts are much more comfortable and give them an advantage over the racing cyclists that do not wear spandex shorts.

You also have to consider men’s spandex items when it comes to working out in your local gym or home gym. You will easily find that you can get more time in while toning your body because of the comfort of spandex. Many men have stated that they, sometimes, forget they are even wearing clothes because of the light weight of them. There is little to no sweating involved when you wear spandex as active wear and men are quire relieved with this little fact. Getting hot and sweaty tend to make you stop working out sooner than you should because you are just too worn out and tired to go on any further.

Of course, swimsuits cannot be left out of men’s spandex items as these are quite popular and well-loved these days. You can slip into your spandex swimsuit and head into the ocean or a resort swimming pool and not have to worry about losing those suits when coming out of the water. Strong ocean waves have been known to whip swimsuits right off of the bodies of men. When you are wearing spandex swimsuits, there is no need to worry about anything like that happening. Remember that second skin feature of spandex? It will never let you down when you want to head into the water for a good swim. Go ahead and give it a try.